
What to Do After a Hail Storm

hailstones on a shingle roof

What to Do After a Hail Storm in Denver, Colorado: A Right Way Roofing Guide

Denver's unpredictable weather can bring sunshine one minute and hailstones the next. While a hailstorm might seem like a brief inconvenience, it can leave behind a surprising amount of damage to your property.

Here at Right Way Roofing, we understand the stress a hailstorm can cause. That's why we've created this comprehensive guide to help Denver residents navigate the aftermath of a hailstorm and get their homes back in top shape.

Safety First

Before diving into repairs, prioritize safety.

  • Wait for the storm to pass completely. Venture outside only once it's safe.
  • Beware of power lines. Downed power lines pose a serious threat. If you see any, stay clear and report them to the authorities immediately.
  • Watch for falling debris. Hail can damage trees and structures, creating a risk of falling branches or other debris. Be cautious when walking around your property.

Assess the Damage

Once the storm has cleared, it's time to assess the damage. Start with a visual inspection. Look for signs of damage on your roof, siding, gutters, windows, and car.

  • Roof: Check for missing or cracked shingles, dents in metal roofs, or exposed underlayment. Look for leaks in your attic or interior ceilings.
  • Siding: Dents, cracks, and holes are all signs of hail damage on siding.
  • Gutters: Hail can clog gutters and downspouts, leading to water pooling and potential roof leaks.
  • Windows: Cracked or broken windows require immediate attention to prevent water damage and security risks.
  • Car: Dents and dings are the most common signs of hail damage on vehicles.

Document the Damage

Thorough documentation is crucial when filing an insurance claim.

  • Take photos and videos: Capture close-up shots of all hail damage, including the overall condition of your roof and any damaged belongings.
  • Date and timestamp: Ensure your photos and videos are properly dated and timestamped to establish the timeline of the damage.
  • List details: Create a detailed list of the damaged items, including their estimated value and any receipts you have.

Contact Your Insurance Company

  • Review your policy. Familiarize yourself with your homeowner's or renter's insurance policy to understand your coverage for hail damage.
  • File a claim promptly. Contact your insurance company as soon as possible after the hailstorm to initiate the claims process.
  • Be prepared to answer questions. The insurance company will likely ask about the nature and extent of the damage, when it occurred, and your documentation.

Choose a Reputable Roofing Contractor

  • Don't rush into repairs. After a major hailstorm, there might be a surge of roofing contractors offering their services. Take your time to choose a reputable and experienced company like Right Way Roofing.
  • Get multiple estimates. Compare estimates from several qualified roofers to ensure you're getting a fair price.
  • Check credentials and licenses. Make sure the contractor is licensed and insured, and ask to see proof of both.
  • Read online reviews. Research the contractor's reputation online to see what past customers have to say about their experience.
  • Beware of storm chasers. These out-of-town contractors often use aggressive tactics and misleading information. Look for a company with a local presence and a proven track record.

Working with Your Chosen Roofer

  • Schedule a thorough inspection. A qualified roofer will conduct a detailed inspection of your roof to assess the full extent of the damage.
  • Get a clear and written estimate. The estimate should outline the scope of work, materials to be used, warranties offered, and the total cost.
  • Ask questions. Don't hesitate to ask questions and clarify any details you're unsure about.
  • Don't feel pressured to sign immediately. Take your time to review the estimate and compare it with others before making a decision.

The Right Way Roofing Difference

At Right Way Roofing, we understand the unique challenges Denver homeowners face after a hailstorm. With years of experience and a commitment to quality, we offer:

  • Free hail damage inspections by experienced and certified roofers.
  • Assistance with insurance claims to help you navigate the process and get the coverage you deserve.
  • High-quality repairs using top-of-the-line materials and industry best practices.
  • Competitive pricing and transparent estimates so you know exactly what to expect.
  • Exceptional customer service throughout the entire repair process.

To speak with our storm damage roof repair experts, call Right Way Roofing today at (303) 800-6863. You can also contact us online!

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